The Message (2009 film)

The Message Chinese pinyin Fngshng, literally Sound of the Wind is a 2009 espionage thriller set in 1942 Nanking, featuring a cast of top Chinese stars. The film was adapted from Mai Jias 2007 novel, The Message Chinese pinyin Fngshng, and was codirected by Chen KuoFu and Gao Qunshu.

In Nanking 1942, following a series of assassination attempts on officials of the Japanesecontrolled puppet government, the Japanese spy chief Taketa Huang Xiaoming gathers a group of suspects in a mansion house for questioning. A tense game of cat and mouse ensues as the Chinese espionage agent attempts to send out a crucial message while protecting hisher own identity.April 26, 1940, former Nationalist vice president Wang Jingwei made peace with Japan and set up a Japansupported regime during World War II, a puppet government. Oct 10, during an anniversary ceremony of the government, a Wang government high official was assassinated. Taketa Huang Xiaoming, chief intelligence officer of the Japanese Imperial Army, believed that it was an action of an underground antiJapan group Old Ghost. He believed there was a mole, nicknamed Old Ghost aka The Phantom inside the Wang governments AntiCommunist Command. Determined to catch Old Ghost, Taketa sent a false telegraph and arrestedsuspects who saw the telegraph, bringing them to the closely guarded fortress Qiu Castle. ........

Source: Wikipedia